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2017 Silver • Adobo Design Awards • Applied Illustration

2017 Bronze • Adobo Design Awards • Outdoor

Keeping the Olympic torch alive and passing it on… in the form of McDonald's World Famous Fries!

Hank & Frank Conceptboard rev 4a.jpg


2016 Bronze • Adobo Design Awards • Illustration

2015 Bronze • Kidlat Awards • Design

2015 Bronze • Kidlat Awards • Illustration

Winter Summerland | Cebu Pacific

To entice Koreans to visit the sunny Philippine archipelago, Cebu Pacific created a warm island oasis in the shopping district of Sinsa-dong, Seoul in the midst of a -12°C winter weekend!

Strong Hold | Bench Fix

Bench, the most popular fashion brand in the Philippines, has ventured into hair styling. One of its products, Bench Fix Professional Clay Doh, needed more exposure. How does a brand known for clothes tell its in-store customers that it offers hair wax with superior hold? Hang out with them inside the dressing room.

Cubicle Adventures | Royal Enfield

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