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Project Birthday | Red Ribbon & Childhope

More than 5 million Filipinos are without birth certificate.


Geographical locations, inadequate registration facilities, and information dissemination are only a few factors on why this problem persists in the Philippines.


Without a proper birth certificate, these people are basically invisible to the eyes of the government and may be denied of education, social and health services, and employment.


Red Ribbon and Childhope provided each birthday celebrant in their care aid to register for birth certificates with a personalized cake in December. More birth certificates and cakes were given month-by-month since the campaign was launched.


Client: Facebook / Child Rights Network
Agency:  BBDO Guerrero
CCO: David Guerrero
ECD: Federico Fanti
Associate Creative Director / Art Director: Nico Zapanta
Associate Creative Director / Copywriter: Alexis Dy
Director: Nico Zapanta

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